Continuing the legacy is about preparing the next generation of Spelman women to change the world.
The Event
We Made the Choice: Continuing the Legacy
Join us virtually, Saturday, November 6, 2021 at 11 a.m. EDT, as we honor Spelman's 10th president, a powerhouse educator and a corporate executive turned ultimate community advocate. If that's not enough, our event will include a conversation on leadership with
Dr. Mary Schmidt Campbell.
This event allows us to cover 75% of the tuition for a junior scholar and 25% tuition a freshwoman scholar. So thank you for investing in the next generation of women who will change the world.
Engaging and Empowering
Join us as we celebrate making the powerful and intentional choice for Spelman College. During this this event we will honor dynamic women who have changed our community and world.
Continuing the Legacy
Every alumna has helped continue the indelible legacy of Spelman College - educating black women who change the world. Let's ensure that legacy continues by supporting this event and our Spelman sisters. They need us more than ever, and we must be vigilant in making the choice to be undaunted by the fight.